Sunday, February 17, 2013
Knowledge to do what?
Saturday, February 16, 2013
Is there a difference between KM & Social Media
I believe KM is and has been inherently social in nature since the disciplines inception. The problem, as the author points out is that charlatans have been able to divert the nature and meaning of KM to meet their purposes, much like media has transformed the term 'hacker' from something good to something evil. At its most fundamental level knowledge management is about connectedness and this is social.
Friday, October 5, 2012
What is cloud computing?
Friday, July 6, 2012
Learned Helplessness
This is a must read for everyone! Challenge the Status Quo.
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
How Lotus Notes Changed the Collaboration Landscape
I was part of the early days of Lotus Notes (1989-1996) while at Price Waterhouse. I worked with Sheldon and his team and then later worked for him at a start-up. There is a great podcast interview with Sheldon Laube linked to from this article, it is very relevant to the conversation today around enterprise collaboration and social interaction.
Enterprise Collaboration/social interaction is almost a back to the future moment. We had it with Lotus Notes and now people are starting to recognize again the power of collaboration.
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Lotus Notes revisited
Peter O'Kelly on the history of Lotus Notes. Notes being the first commercially succesful and mass adopted collaboration platform, it still holds a fond place in many collaboration and KM experts hearts. I even co-authored a book on Lotus Notes back in 1997.
Thursday, August 4, 2011
Nature of Work Will Change
Gartner has identified 10 changes that we will see in how people work over the next 10 years.
Knowledge to do what?
Can your organization answer the question; knowledge to do what? That should be the starting point for any organization embarking on a new ...
Interesting blog post at HBR - Social Media versus Knowledge Management . I believe KM is and has been inherently social in nature since th...
Peter O'Kelly on the history of Lotus Notes. Notes being the first commercially succesful and mass adopted collaboration platform, it s...
- I was part of the early days of Lotus Notes (1989-1996) while at Price Waterhou...