Tuesday, November 10, 2009

pure Orwellian prattle

Do Businesses Hate Their Workers? (Income Disparity Myths Edition) over at Naked Capitalism.  Yves hits the nail squarely on the head with this statement: “Our employees are our greatest asset” is pure Orwellian prattle; most companies treat employees as liabilities, doing everything they can to minimize labor costs, getting rid of workers whenever possible.

Naked Capitalism comes at things from an economic perspective, but there is clearly KM applicability in this article.  If companies truely value their employees they would be more focused on providing mechanisms to leverage the collective knowledge of the organization in a way that benefits not just the organization but the workers.  In this context organizations need to put their money where their mouth is; not just with regards to compensation, but investing in mechanisms that benefit all stakeholders.


  1. RT @badhoy KM News™ » Blog Archive » pure Orwellian prattle http://bit.ly/2zQZjc

  2. RT @badhoy KM News™ » Blog Archive » pure Orwellian prattle http://bit.ly/2zQZjc


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